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Document States

Think of Document States as generalized buckets or categories for the state (or status) of your documents, a document state is different from a Document Type which is more like a label for a specific kind of document. A single document will likely move through multiple States but rarely will its Document Type change. 

Document State Examples: Registered, Pending, Deleted 

Document Type Examples: Offer Letter, I-9, Performance Review 

Depending on your user permissions, you can transition a document(s) into another state, culminating in that document being transitioned into its final site of “registered”. A document in the Registered State can be viewed by all other users who have access to that Document based on their own user permissions. The Registered State is where you’ll go to find documents saved to the site by yourself or other users. 

States are completely customizable and can be created to match your business workflow. You could have private pending states that only the person logged in can work in (a great option for someone adding sensitive or confidential information to the site), you can create shared pending states so a group of users can work on organizing a group of documents together, or you can create a “approval” state where one user transitions documents to a manager for approval before transitioning the documents into the final Registered State. 

A deleted document will live in the Deleted State for 60 days before it is permanently purged form the site, a document in the Deleted State can be transitioned back into a Registered or Pending State by a site admin to recover a document deleted by mistake.

To add or modify your existing document states, please reach out to your dedicated DynaFile account manager or email us at support.dynafile.com.

Updated on January 20, 2023

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